Thursday, May 2, 2024

5 Ways Video Marketing can Improve Your Small Business

5 Ways Video Marketing can Improve Your Small Business

As we move ahead in time, we have seen several new changes in every field of life. The same goes in the case of business and marketing. Marketing has undergone massive changes in the last few years, and videos have played an essential role in the overall transformation.

Videos are now the most popular medium of content that exists in the world, and people around the world love watching videos. You must have already heard how videos can help a business grow, isn’t it? Yes! That’s absolutely true. Video marketing can seriously impact your business and take it to a whole new level than you could ever imagine.

So, if you run a small business and want to improve it in the future, video marketing can be one of the best assets for you. Let’s look at 5 ways in which it can help your business.

  1. Engage With the Mobile Audience –

The number of mobile phone users has seen a stupendous rise in the last few years. Since 2013, there has been a 233% growth in the number of people using smartphones.

Over 90% of all the users watch videos on their mobile phones, which is one of the crucial reasons you should take the help of video marketing. By doing so, you can easily reach out to people and grab the attention of those people who might be genuinely interested in your products.

53% of mobile phone users feel that they are more comfortable shopping from a website with an informative video on their landing page.

If your website is optimized for mobiles, then it becomes easier for people to access it. This, in turn, ensures that your business sees a massive increase in the number of people that shop from your website. Mobile users can be the biggest asset class in any business. So, never ignore mobile users.

  1. Increase Google Search Rankings –

One of the best reasons for focusing on video content is to benefit from other areas of your web presence. Videos can quickly increase the overall time a user spends on your website, and that is why Google gives you a much better ranking in the longer run.

When people spend more time on your website, Google realizes that you are offering people quality content. You are 53 times more likely to get a better search result ranking on Google when you use a video on your landing page.

However, you should not casually add any video that comes to your mind. The video should be relevant to your website and the kind of products you offer.

Try to focus more on informative videos as they help to spread awareness among the people. Better Google search rankings impact your SEO on a very positive note. That is the reason why you can easily attract more people to your business website regularly.

  1. Improved Conversion Rates –

If your landing page cannot convert visitors into customers, then it will affect your business negatively. To increase sales and revenue, you have to ensure that your content keeps converting the audience into customers. Placing a video on your landing page can increase the chances of conversion by at least 80%.

When your business emails have a video in them, it can improve click-through rates by 200%. It is important to note that short and engaging videos can push people into the marketing  funnel. Good quality and highly informative video can easily convert a lot of people into buyers. Higher the conversion rate, the more revenue, and growth you can expect in the coming days.

  1. Better Relationship with Customers –

Building a positive relationship with the audience is one of the most important tasks to accomplish. Any business can make it big if they have a bunch of happy and satisfied customers.

Videos can help your company to work this relationship and build solid trust with potential clients. 72% of customers said they would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. Visitors have an easier time connecting with your brand when you can directly speak to them.

When compared to a traditional block of text, a video will always deliver better results. Videos can evoke emotions and feelings among people. You can take the help of different resources like music, facial expressions, and storytelling to evoke the right emotions. Video marketing helps you to give a human side to your business these days easily.

  1. Better Social Media Impact –

Your presence in social media can make or break your business. When a brand wants to create an excellent online presence, they have to be popular on different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and  . Millions of people are constantly using these platforms for both recreational and professional purposes.

Video marketing can help you to create a significant impact on social media platforms. Videos are easily shareable on social media, and people love watching them as well. If your video is valuable and engaging enough, then people will definitely share it with other people. This helps to spread the word about your business.

Video marketing also can make your content go viral in a short period of time. Viral marketing is a thing these days, and undoubtedly, it can help your business achieve new heights in a short period. Videos have a higher ability to become viral since they are more engaging and interesting.

Final Words –

Video marketing is on the rise, and brands around the world are taking great advantage of it. To make the best videos, you will need a good video maker and interesting content to work on. If your videos are relevant to what you do and how your business functions, then it won’t be long before you can see the fantastic results.

  have agreed that videos offer them a higher ROI percentage. So, what are you waiting for? Learn to create the best videos and help your business to grow quickly.

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