Friday, May 17, 2024

What is wisdom teeth and its Treatment?

wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth or third molars, as they are known in the medical world are a painful condition that can cause much discomfort and embarrassment for those that have them. If you have wisdom teeth, you should be aware of what to eat after wisdom teeth removal so you do not end up with more wisdom teeth problems than you had to begin with. People that have wisdom teeth removal surgery usually experience a lot of pain and swelling in the area that was affected. After the surgery they will usually experience tooth sensitivity or “dry mouth”. There are some things that you should eat after wisdom teeth removal to make sure that you stay on a healthy diet for the rest of your life.

First let’s talk about what you should eat after your wisdom teeth removal surgery. You should avoid any type of dairy products that contain live cultures in them such as ice cream, sherbet, and yogurt. Dairy can actually help the bacteria from growing therefore causing more pain and discomfort after the surgery. Also, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, which both contribute greatly to having oral problems like periodontal disease.

You will experience a lot of pain and swelling in your mouth after the wisdom teeth removal surgery. Some swelling and pain will be temporary and will go away as soon as you get home or after a few days. However if the swelling and pain last for more then a week or more you should contact your dentist. The reason the swelling and pain will last longer be because you will need to have stitches inserted into the gums as well as in the area where the wisdom teeth were removed. The stitches will cause the gums to become raw and they will start to bleed.

When you open your mouth, you will notice that it is smaller than before wisdom teeth removal surgery. This is due to the amount of wisdom teeth that have impacted your mouth. The impacted wisdom teeth will cause your mouth to shrink on one side and your gums will start to bleed. Your dentist may put some drainage strips under your tongue to decrease the amount of bleeding that is taking place in your mouth. The antibiotics that your dentist will give you will help decrease the amount of swelling that is taking place in your mouth.

If you are not able to keep your wisdom teeth clean then you will experience even more pain after the wisdom teeth removal surgery. You will also have an impacted wisdom tooth that could cause you even more pain in the future. This is because when this tooth abscesses the gum tissue it will cause you pain and inflammation. Another common issue with wisdom teeth removal is when the dentist puts the new teeth in your mouth. You will most likely feel a lot of pain and sensitivity around your teeth and around your gums. This is due to the sensitivity that is caused by the new teeth.

Your dentist will usually recommend that you eat a little crunchy foods during the recovery period after wisdom teeth removal surgery. This will help to minimize the amount of pain and inflammation that you will experience. It will also help to keep your cheeks loose. There will also be times when your cheek tissues will be too tight and there will be too much room to erupt. Your teen may experience a lot of pain and a lot of discomfort for about three weeks after the surgery.

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