Thursday, May 9, 2024

Another step towards green energy adoption: Solar EV Chargers

Another step towards green energy adoption: Solar EV Chargers

Solar EV chargers have become a viable option to power electric vehicles. Solar-powered energy is one of the cheapest forms of energy, and hence, solar EV chargers are a very economical option. 

The cost of the car charger has come down drastically in the last few years, and it is now cheaper than ever before. A solar EV charger could be a critical part of your electric vehicle accessories.

This blog will help us in walking through the basics of solar EV charger:

What is a solar EV Charger, and how it works 

A solar EV charger is a device that converts energy from the sun into electricity. They’re used to charge electric vehicles, but they don’t rely on the grid because they generate their power source. 

Solar EV chargers are portable and can be installed at a home or business location, making them ideal for remote areas without access to public utilities.

How to select the best solar EV charger

When buying a solar EV charger, there are several things to keep in mind. First, it’s essential to check the solar panel size. You want to make sure that it has enough power to charge your electric car as quickly as possible. 

Next, you should look at the battery capacity of the charger and compare it with your car’s battery capacity. If they’re too close together (or too far apart), there might be some problems with charging speed. It would also help to look at how many amps can be transferred during each cycle and how many cycles per day this charger can handle before recharging itself (or replacing its panels). 

Finally, check if there are any warranties included in case anything goes wrong with your purchase or if something breaks down after prolonged use of this product over time—this way, you won’t end up paying more than necessary!

Is a solar EV charger as effective as a conventional charger

Solar chargers are a great way to charge your car on the go. Whether you’re camping, travelling or just want to charge up while at home, solar chargers give users the flexibility to power their vehicles wherever they are. It is a critical part of different electric vehicle accessories that you might need. 

When it comes down to it, it is vital for users to know how fast their charger will work and for how long. A typical solar panel produces about 30 watts of energy, slightly more than half as effective as an electrical outlet with two combined outlets (50-amp service). 

If you have a 100-mile range electric, it will take around 5-6 hours of charging time using only one unit of electricity from both outlets combined. 

Are solar EV chargers worth the price?

In the long run, solar EV chargers will save you money. For example, if your vehicle uses $1 per gallon of gas for 10,000 miles and you drive 7,500 miles each year (both conservative estimates), you’ll spend over $2,000 on fuel each year. 

On the other hand, if you invest in a solar charger that costs $5 per month in electricity costs and install it on your house where it can charge at night when demand is low, then after ten years (when the cost of installation is paid off) you could have saved over $12,000! 


Solar EV chargers have a long way to go before they are affordable and widely adopted. But with the right kind of innovation, it may be possible to make them accessible to more car owners in the future.

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