In the old days, garage doors were simple and straight. It is made up of one or two panels which contain hinges and mounting brackets. The door has a roller which is pulled up by a shaft which rotates on a pivot point. This mechanism provides a smooth operation for opening and closing the door. However, modern garage doors have various types of opener mechanisms.
For example, the most common mechanism used today is the sectional garage door. This type of door features pulleys and strings that control the opening and closing of the door. These doors can either swing out from the wall or slide inwards. Similarly, roller shutter doors are another type of popular openers.
A sectional door has slats that slide up and down as the door is opened and closed. The shutter of these doors also functions along the same lines. Sectional doors are commonly used in residential homes or in the garage itself. These doors feature automatic openers and safety sensors.
Meanwhile, if you want to choose a garage door design that is more elaborate, then you can consider roller doors. These doors use chains, springs, and rollers to lift the entire door. You can also find doors that feature inclined panels and ladders that allow easier entrance and exit to the garage itself. On the other hand, you can choose an entrance design with a side hinged flap. This design is commonly used to provide access to the entire garage from the side.
Another door option available in the market is a retractable garage door. This mechanism works by lifting up the entire door and folding it away once it is opened. It is convenient as you do not have to manually pull the door up or fold it before using it. You can opt for a retractable door in different styles. For instance, some have large panels which allow you to choose the kind of look you want for your door.
However, before you decide on the right door type for your home, it is important to consider other factors such as aesthetics. See to it that you will be able to match the color and design with your existing decorations. For this reason, you should also make sure that you can afford the new door. Garage door designs are not cheap so make sure to prepare your budget before you go shopping for these doors.